Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Formation Course for Catechists, level 2 for children 6 to 9 years old.

Holy Eucharist celebrated by Archbishop Prendergast.

Archbishop Prendergast and the catechists.

Msgr. Robert Latour, Paul Cuddihy PPC, and the catechists.

Jennifer Camfield bringing grettings from the Association of the Good Shepherd in Canada.

Dale Balkovec and the parable of the hired hand and the wolf.

The History of the Kingdom of God (The Fettuccia)

The Books of the Bible

Catechists at work.

Shyntesis of the Infancy Narratives

Katlheen, Heather, Dana and Tracey making materials (the books of the Bible)

Tracey and Dana working on her album pages.

Paschal Mystery (Last Supper, Origin of the Eucharist, The Empty Tomb)

Shyntesis of the Kingdom Parables.
Rose Yagiela, Formation leader

History of the Kingdom of God (Unity and Vastness)

Catechist during a lecture

Lunch hosted by the Cuddihy's.  Thank you!